Cost of living, major headache to young Australians

Headspace staff and other consortia members came together for youth support in 2022.

Sibanengi Dube

The Salvation Army has warned against neglecting young Australians in need of mental health services to cushion them from persistent effects of COVID-19 lockdown.

Brimbank Salvation Army captain Colin Reynolds made the remarks in response to a report released on Monday, April 3 by headspace, National Youth Mental Health, which painted a black picture of the youths’ mental health status.

Mr Reynolds called for more funding of young people’s projects and programmes being carried by headspace.

“More works still needs to be done to help the youth from mental health problems emanating from the pandemic which restricted them from schooling and social interactions,” Mr Reynolds said.

headspace National Youth Mental Health survey identified cost of living and rental bills as the major sources of their headaches.

This survey was conducted on young people aged between 18 and 25.

“New research … has revealed the cost of living as the single biggest concern for young Australians, with the affordability of housing and rent also significant causes for worry,” reads part of the report.

The headspace National Youth Mental Health Survey asked young people to name their top three concerns, with financial instability and cost of living coming out on top. The issue was cited by 54 per cent of participants aged 18 to 25 as something they wanted to see addressed urgently.

Housing affordability came second as the most common concern among the younger generation, with 42 per cent listing it as one of their top concerns.

The survey data features as part of a headspace submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Cost of Living. The submission from headspace details key focus areas for government, including: improving access to and out of pocket expenses for mental health services; investment in vocational services; the need to identify and support young people not captured in unemployment data.

The youths also expressed doubt over their future capacity to either buy houses or afford paying rentals.

Most of the young adults said they were even reluctant to have children due to the cost of living..

“The headspace Youth National Mental Health survey also found that over half of participants aged 18-25 (52 per cent) said they are hesitant to have children because of the cost of living,” reads the report.

headspace chief executive Jason Trethowan said: “Young people are telling headspace they feel anxious about how the rising cost of living is going to impact their ability to achieve major life milestones, like moving out of home or saving for a house.

“It is also incumbent on governments to take steps to alleviate these pressures, so that young people and their families can afford the things they need to lead happy, healthy lives.

“Together we need to be finding ways to help young people feel optimistic about their futures.”