VicRoads says it has no plans to install traffic lights at a troubled Albion intersection that has been on a Brimbank council safety wish list for three years.
Frustrated Perth Avenue residents are still waiting for lights to be installed at the known trouble spot, after Brimbank council first raised the idea in its 2013 Albion neighbourhood plan.
The plan states the council will pursue VicRoads “as a matter of priority” for signals on Ballarat Road, with its preference being traffic lights at its Perth Avenue intersection.
The plan aimed to cut down on “traffic cutting through the neighbourhood”.
A group of residents will now present a petition to the council calling for traffic lights at the intersection, along with a pedestrian crossing to the Ballarat Road bus stop.
Mitko Deli trader Suzanna, who is on Perth Avenue, said the intersection was “intimidating”.
“It’s not a very safe crossing, especially for elderly drivers to get onto Ballarat Road,” she said. “It’s a little bit intimidating.
“If the council can do something about it that would be great.
“I’ve been working here for 25 years, so I can assure I’ve seen plenty of near-misses with trucks.”
Brimbank mayor John Hedditch has promised that the council will meet residents about the petition.
“We understand the issue is one that concerns VicRoads, and we have to try and make it a priority with VicRoads,” he said. “However, at this stage, it isn’t, so those conversations will be ongoing.”
VicRoads’ metro north west regional director Vince Punaro said he was aware of driver concerns about turning east into Ballarat Road from Perth Avenue and Adelaide Street.
“This section of Ballarat Road has a low crash history,” Mr Punaro said.
“At this stage, there are no immediate plans to install traffic lights at either intersection.
“However, we will consider the petition, and closely monitor the area to determine [if there is any] need for future safety improvements,” he said.