Community consultation opens for draft LGTBQIA+ Action Plan

(Damjan Janevski) 333132_04

Brimbank council is calling community members for comment on its first ever draft LGBTQIA+ Action Plan.

The draft Brimbank LGBTQIA+ Action Plan 2023-27 has been developed to create a safe and inclusive community that values all people and the diversity they bring through their sexualities, genders, ages, ethnicities, cultures and abilities.

Initial consultation informed the first draft of the plan which took place between April and December 2022 and captured more than 300 voices across the municipality.

Council identified four key priority areas were identified to ensure the Brimbank LGBTQIA+ identifying communities are included, empowered, safe and supported:

– Health and Wellbeing

– Safety and Safe Places

– Inclusive and Empowered

– Organisational Leadership and Advocacy

Council’s draft plan has been developed to align with Victoria’s LGBTIQ+ Strategy 2022-32 and supports the state’s vision and plan to drive equality and inclusion for diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer communities within all aspects of government work over the next decade.

Council is now seeking additional community input before the draft plan can be finalised.

“Brimbank council is aware LGTBQIA+ communities can experience discrimination and marginalisation at higher levels than the rest of the population, stemming from economic disadvantage, poorer mental and physical health outcomes and reduced community engagement and social connection,” Brimbank mayor Cr Bruce Lancashire said.

“In recognition of these factors, the Draft Brimbank LGBTQIA+ Action Plan underscores the importance of creating a safe, inclusive and accessible Brimbank for our diverse and vibrant community.

“We want to encourage residents to have their say on the draft plan and to help us support and uplift members of Brimbank’s LGBTQIA+ identifying community and address systemic injustice and social inequality.”

Community feedback will be considered in the preparation of the final document that will be presented to council for adoption at a future council meeting.

Consultation is now open and will close on Thursday, July 27.
