Keilor Park Tennis Club Social Night
Join the club on Monday nights for a free social hit and get to know other club members. All levels are welcome. Female players are also required for Thursday competition, 10 am-2pm and also for the B-grade mixed team on Wednesday nights, 7-9pm.
Brimbank Book Group
Be inspired by thought-provoking books with a group of like-minded, literary fans with our Brimbank Book Group. All welcomed. This group, for adults, meets on the first Monday of the month, from 2-3pm at Deer Park Library. Bookings are not essential, but please feel free to register your interest if you’d like to receive a reminder email.
Create & Chat
Dig out your craft projects and get inspiration from fellow like-minded crafters with the Create & Chat sessions at Sunshine Library from 10-11am on the first Tuesday of every month. All skill levels are welcome.
Popcorn Musical Fun and Learning
Join Popcorn Musical Fun and Learning, a free, evidence-based early education program that combines music, play, and connection for families with children aged 0-5 years. Running for eight weeks, on Tuesdays, 10.30am-12.30pm, this program is designed to incorporate singing, stories, and fun activities to support your child’s development. Running from February 11 onwards at the Sunshine Heights Playgroup Centre, 105 Glengala Road.
■ 9663 6733, or events@ds.org.au
Women Working Together
A program connecting women aged 50 and above and in need of assistance, with mentors and mentees. Open to women across the western suburbs, including Brimbank.
■ 9655 2131, EmploymentSupport@cotavic.org.au, or cotavic.org.au/our-programs/employment-support/
Family & Local History Help
Need help in researching your family or local history project? Reserve a spot for this free tailored one-on-one 30 min session at Keilor Library to kickstart your project! Due to high demand and event waiting lists, please only book tickets for people participating in event. Multiple sessions are available from March 13 onwards.
National seniors meeting
On the first Wednesday of every month at 1.30pm, the metro west branch of national seniors meets at the Deer Park Club, with meals available to purchase. The group also holds lunches on different Fridays each month, as well as activities such as theatre visits, bus trips and more.
■ 0425 713 004, or lesley1.collins@outlook.com
Learn to Relax Group
IPC Health’s Living Well team is running a free Learn to Relax Group at IPC Health Deer Park, 106 Station Road, every Tuesday at 11am. This group is for people over 18 years who are interested in learning how to relax and finding ways to effectively manage their stress. Registration is required to attend this group.
■ livingwell@ipchealth.com.au, or 1300 472 432
Women’s only conversation English
Duke Street Community House is inviting locals to make friends, learn new skills and practice English in this fun and free women’s social group. Tuesdays during school terms, 9.30am-noon, at Duke Street Community House, 27 Duke Street, Sunshine.
■ 9311 9973, or dukest@dsch.org.au
Duke Street Community House is inviting locals to a free adult social opportunity to get together and be creative. Learn a new craft or bring along your own craft projects. Tuesdays during school terms, 12.30-2.30pm, at the Duke Street Community House, 27 Duke Street, Sunshine.
■ 9311 9973, or dukest@dsch.org.au
Musicians Wanted
Westgate Concert Band is seeking new members. Do you play Woodwind, Brass or Percussion and are looking for a welcoming place to play enjoyable and challenging music? Rehearsals are held Saturday mornings during school terms, 9am to noon, at Braybrook College.
■ westgateconcertband@gmail.com
Sunshine Repair Cafe
Do you enjoy fixing things or have skills in mending clothing and textiles? Kororoit Neighbourhood House is looking for volunteer repairers for the newly launched Repair Café in Brimbank. Events happen once a month and are an opportunity to meet others in the community and share your skills while helping fix broken household items.
■sunshinerepaircafe@kcnh.org.au, or 0413 434 082
Al-Anon Family Groups
Al-Anon Family Groups is offering help and hope to anyone living in an unhappy home because a loved one drinks too much. There are no contracts to sign, just a voluntary donation to cover room rental. Confidentiality is protected. Confidential meetings held at the Delahey Community Centre, 70 Copperfield Drive, Delahey (next to Copperfield College – senior campus) every Wednesday, from 1-2:30pm. New members welcome. No appointment necessary.
Card games
Love playing the card game 500? Card games are played every Monday, from 7-10pm, at the Sunshine RSL offices, 99 Dickson Street, Sunshine.
■Leisa, 0425 768 808
Keilor Day View Club
The Keilor Day View Club meets at 11am on the first Thursday of each month at Green Gully Soccer Club, Green Gully Reserve, Club House Place, Keilor Downs. The club is inviting locals to come along and enjoy a meal and fun with a friendly group of ladies.
■Robyn, 0425 387 880
Deer Park Lions Club
Deer Park Lions Club is looking for new members. It holds dinner meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at the Deer Park Senior Citizens Club, 119 Station Road, Deer Park.
■Michael, 0417 307 572
Sunshine Community Brass
Sunshine Community Brass is looking for trumpet and percussion players to join its vibrant band of musicians. With more than 90 years of history, the band rehearses at 45 Furlong Road, North Sunshine, on Tuesdays, from 7.30pm.
■Andrew, 0419 444 620
St Albans senior citizens
St Albans Senior Citizens group meet at the centre at the corner of Alfrieda and William streets, St Albans, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9am-2pm. Annual membership: $10. Cost: $1 entry on attendance day.
■Roma, 0435 991 064
Caroline Springs Rotary
The Rotary Club of Caroline Springs is inviting new guests to join its meetings in person or via Zoom. Meetings are held every Wednesday at the Western Emergency Relief Network in Ravenhall, from 7pm.