Community Calendar

This week's photographer's choice picture is of Elvis tribute artist, Sean Spiteri who is helping to raise money for St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Caroline Springs. (Damjan Janevski) 362808_01

Walking football

Brimbank council is inviting locals to celebrate the Seniors Festival with a weekly walking football program commencing on Wednesday, October 4, and running every Wednesday for the month of October. All skill levels are welcome. Equipment provided.


Be Bold Festival

Brimbank council is calling on locals to join the celebration of arts and culture in Melbourne’s west with the return of the Be Bold Festival. The free event will include performances, art, music, dance, food, children’s activities, creative workshops and more. All ages are welcome to attend the event on October 7, from 11am-5pm at the Bowery Theatre & Gallery and St Albans Community Centre.

Come and Try Fencing

Western Swords is offering free fencing training every Thursday during school terms, from 6:30-8pm, at St. Albans Meadows Primary School. All ages from 7 on up are welcome, and all gear is there to borrow.


Girl Guides

Brimbank Distict Girl Guides is inviting locals to come and try Guides before committing to join. Girls aged 5 to 18 and adults over 18 are invited to enjoy the fun and friendship of guiding.

■Carolyn 0418 536 084

Teens gaming and gambling webinar

IPC Health, along with partners Brimbank council and Maribyrnong council, are hosting a free webinar about gambling in gaming. Aimed at adults, the webinar will look at the gamification of gambling and provide strategies to support young people as well as a Q&A. The free webinar will take place on October 17, from 7-8pm. Registration is required.


National Seniors Australia – Deer Park Branch

Deer Park Branch of National Seniors Australia hosts a lunch on the third Friday of each month at different venues. The group also arrange activities each month, sometimes to the Theatre, Morning Melodies, train or bus trip. The group also holds a General Meeting at The Club in Caroline Springs on the first Wednesday of every month at 1.30pm. Locals are invited to join in for lunch or just attend the meeting and make new friends.


Sunshine Halloween Street Party

The Sunshine Halloween Street Party will return this year on Tuesday, October 31. The event will take place along Hampshire Road from 4-7pm. The family-fun day will feature trick or treating, face painting, costume parade and street performers.


Sunshine Repair Cafe

Do you enjoy fixing things or have skills in mending clothing and textiles? Kororoit Neighbourhood House is looking for volunteer repairers for the newly launched Repair Café in Brimbank. Events happen once a month and are an opportunity to meet others in the community and share your skills while helping fix broken household items., or 0413 434 082

Al-Anon Family Groups

Al-Anon Family Groups is offering help and hope to anyone living in an unhappy home because a loved one drinks too much. There are no contracts to sign, just a voluntary donation to cover room rental. Confidentiality is protected. The group meets every Wednesday at Sydenham Neighbourhood House from 1-2:30pm. New members are welcome.

Card games

Love playing the card game 500? Card games are played every Monday from 7-10pm at the Sunshine RSL offices, 99 Dickson Street, Sunshine.

■Leisa, 0425768808

Keilor Day View Club

The Keilor Day View Club meets at 11am on the first Thursday of each month at Green Gully Soccer Club, Green Gully Reserve, Club House Place, Keilor Downs. The club is inviting locals to come along and enjoy a meal and fun with a friendly group of ladies.

■Robyn, 0425387880

Palliative volunteers needed

Mercy Palliative Care is looking for volunteers to visit palliative care patients in their homes to offer social support.

■9313 5700 or

Deer Park Lions Club

Deer Park Lions Club is looking for new members. It holds dinner meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at the Deer Park Senior Citizens Club, 119 Station Road, Deer Park.

■Michael, 0417 307 572

Sunshine Community Brass

Sunshine Community Brass is looking for trumpet and percussion players to join its vibrant band of musicians. With more than 90 years of history, the band rehearses at 45 Furlong Road, North Sunshine, on Tuesdays from 7.30pm.

■Andrew, 0419 444 620

St Albans senior citizens

St Albans Senior Citizens group meet at the centre at the corner of Alfrieda and William streets, St Albans, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9am-2pm. Annual membership: $10. Cost: $1 entry on attendance day.

■Roma, 0435 991 064

Caroline Springs Rotary

The Rotary Club of Caroline Springs is inviting new guests to join its meetings in person or via zoom. Meetings are held every Wednesday at the Western Emergency Relief Network in Ravenhall from 7pm.

Melton Ladies Probus

Meets from 10am on the second Wednesday of each month at Melton Country Club on Reserve Road, Melton. All visitors are welcome.

■Dianne, 9743 7446

The Gap on Graham

The Gap provides a place for Melton youth to hang out, socialise, play games and learn new skills. The centre holds a night for girls aged 10 to 18 years at 5 Graham Street, Melton, on Wednesday evenings. There is also a drop-in night for anyone aged 12 to 25 years old.

■Val, 0414 769 605.

Melton Men’s Group

Melton Men’s Group meets every Thursday from 5pm to 8pm at Arnolds Creek Children’s and Community Centre, 19 Claret Ash Boulevard, Harkness. Focusing on Senior Men’s mental and physical wellbeing. Join the group for a cuppa and a chat, listen to guest speakers and participate in activities including carpet bowls, pool or table tennis.


Take weight off naturally

Struggling to lose weight? Struggling to get motivated? Want to try and do it in a friendly and less stressful atmosphere? Come and join TOWN (Take Weight Off Naturally) every Tuesday at 6pm at the Darlingsford Barn, Darlingsford Boulevard, Melton.

■Catherine, 0416 612 517, or Bob, 0411 824 739

Parkinson’s support group

The Melton Parkinson’s Support Group meets on the second Thursday of the month 10.30am–12.30pm at Kurunjang Community Centre, 33-35 Mowbray Crescent, Kurunjang. New members and carers welcome.

■Helen, 0409 186 576

Melton Bridge Club

The Melton Bridge Club has recommenced weekly social Bridge sessions at the Melton Library on Fridays from 10am-noon. Come along to play an exciting, social card game and have loads of fun. Bridge offers the suspense of poker, the cerebral qualities of chess and the excitement of athletic sports, all in a relaxed and social setting. If you like playing cards this is for you.

■Rosemary, 0407 894 817

Melton Friendship Group.

Join the Melton Friendship Group for singles 55 and older. Meet fortnightly for coffee and chat nights and organised affordable outings and events.

■0406 493 734

Melton Valley Ladies Probus Club

The Melton Valley Ladies Probus Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am at Melton Country Club. New members welcome.

■Ann 0425705150

Melton South Knit & Natter

All are welcome to join this social crafting group, running at the Melton South Community Centre each Monday from 10am-noon. Bring along any knitting or crochet projects and work on them while sharing tips, learning skills and catching up over a cuppa.

■9747 8576