Closure lingers for local trail


Hannah Hammoud

For more than 12 months, the Maribyrnong River shared user trail has remained inaccessible due to ongoing repairs, leaving locals frustrated with no clear timeline for its reopening.

Parks Victoria, responsible for managing the park, said the prolonged closure stems from the aftermath of major floods in October and November of 2022, during which Brimbank Park suffered ‘severe damage’.

Following initial safety assessments on October 14, 2022, Parks Victoria closed the flood-impacted sections of the Maribyrnong River Trail, from Brimbank Park Car Park C picnic area to Solomon’s Ford (Canning Street).

“We have fenced off areas where landslips, damaged tracks, hazardous trees and exposure to potentially hazardous materials continue to present a risk to the public,” Parks Victoria area chief ranger Kate Churven said.

“Signage has been erected along every 100 metres of the trail, and we are grateful to visitors who continue to respect these closures and prioritise their safety.”

Local resident Miguel Sanchez said he is frustrated by the lack of transparency regarding the reopening date.

“All I have to say is I have been asking, as have others, for an open date but Parks Victoria won’t let anyone know,” he said.

“Not having access to this trail has impacted my mental health. I don’t feel safe riding on the road so this is the only place I feel safe to ride. I love being amongst nature and away from cars and fumes.

Parks Victoria said it is working on repairing the section of the trail, but did not provide any timeline for the expected reopening.

“Planning for repairs is underway. Upcoming works will be prioritised as part of a large recovery program we are delivering across the state, with more than 97 per cent of flood and storm affected parks reopened or partially reopened to date,” Ms Churven said.

For updates on Parks Victoria delivery of 2022 flood recovery works, visit: