Changing of the guard

There are some new faces at the iconic, 'Andy's Servo.' Brothers Alexander and James Ibrahim stand beside former owner Andrew Michael (middle) (Damjan Janevski) 338325_01

There’s no Sunshine West without ‘Andy’s Servo.’

While the iconic service station has passed the reins over to new tenants, brothers Alexander and James Ibrahim, the legacy of ‘Andy’s Servo’ will still live on.

The sign that has looked over locals for more than 50 years has been refurbished and will remain at home at the site on Anderson Street.

Andrew (Andy) Michael owned the service station for over 50 years, one of the last existing independently owned service stations in the West.

The baton has now landed in the hands of Alexander and James, who were handpicked by Andy himself.

Andy said it was important for him that honest people took over the service station, describing the two brothers as “gentlemen.“

Co-owner, James Ibrahim said the handover from Andy has been instrumental in helping the brothers to not only reach their own goals, but also maintain the legacy of ’Andy’s Servo.’

“Andy and his whole family have become like a second family to us now,” he said.

“We’re so happy that we kept the sign. We’ve seen within the community just how much it resonates with people, the sign is kind of like a lighthouse for people.”

Major renovations to the site have wrapped up and this week the Ibrahim brothers reopened the service station.

Andy’s daughter, Kathy said it was comforting to see the site being run by another family business.

“Dad saw it as a way to keep the family identity of his business,” she said.

“He could’ve sold the site to a big chain but we would’ve lost what we built as a family.“

Hannah Hammoud