Catch ’em all in Sunshine

Nate Tran with his Mother, Nga Tran in their Sunshine home. (Supplied)

By Holly McGuinness

Sunshine is one of Australia’s top five listing postcodes for the booming trading card industry, according to online e-commerce site eBay who recently released data showing a 365% growth in collectible trading card games from January to March in 2022 and a 300% increase in Pokémon cards recently.

Nate Tran started his business iCollect at 17 years old out of his parents Sunshine home. Now in his early thirties and a dentist running two practices, the card trade has become a part of the family.

Mr Tran’s business has sold just shy of half a million items across the globe and has sent a quarter of a million parcels containing collectors cards.

The business was started fifteen years ago after his mum pulled out an old folder of Mr Tran’s Pokémon cards that became a welcome distraction from VCE exams, taking him back to a simpler time.

“I remembered back in the days when the most important thing in my life was not just studying, but it was the carefree nature of how children are, and I think that emotion was really needed during that time,” said Mr Tran.

The business grew from there when he realised there’s a huge demand for these cards and six months later his mum was able to quit her job to help full time.

“She started to help me not as an employee but helped as a mom, then when I had sold enough I was able to pay her properly.

“She’s been doing this now for 15 years.”

For any budding card traders Mr Tran’s advice is to follow your heart, “don’t follow what is most expensive, just follow what you think looks and Feels good to you, that’ll probably be the one that’s going to be your best investment.” said Mr Tran.