Brother and sister run to raise funds for breast cancer

Kristian, Ingrid and Alissa Martan. Image by Joe Mastroianni

Alissa and Kristian Martan don’t describe themselves as runners.

The siblings are not the type to hit the pavement as part of their fitness regimes. But that changed recently when the pair signed up to run the five-kilometre Sunday Age City2Sea run on November 20 to raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

The foundation is a community-funded group that raises money for research into the prevention and cure of breast cancer.

“This charity is very close to our hearts; their help and support is second to none, and I think our family, and in particular our mum, would be lost without them,” Alissa said.

Their mother, Ingrid, was diagnosed with breast cancer for a second time last year.

“We are on a crusade to raise as much money as possible for this organisation … we want zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030, but we’re on a mission to help them achieve this huge feat earlier,” Alissa said.

She and her mother work side-by-side at Derrimut distribution company Fermax. Ms Martan said, despite the pain her mother is in, she grits her teeth and keeps smiling.

“Our mum is the most amazing and strongest woman we know,” she said. “She is a fighter and a true model of what it is like to get up every day and live life to the fullest, as much as she can.”

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