Brimbank tops list for petrol thefts

Brimbank had the highest amount of fuel thefts from service stations over the past ten years by almost 1000.

An inquiry report into fuel drive-offs revealed Brimbank was the state’s leader with 4035 with followed by Casey (3190) and Hume (2480) third according to Victorian Crime Statistics data.

“Some Local Government Areas account for a disproportionate number of complaints,” the report found.

“Of the 78 LGA covered… the top ten are predominantly based in metropolitan Melbourne, with the top three Brimbank, Casey and Hume, accounting for almost half of all recorded fuel drive-offs.

“The prevalence of fuel drive-offs in these three LGA is compelling.”

At least one Brimbank service station, in Sunshine, has 24 hour prepayment.

More in next week’s Star Weekly