Brimbank puts pressure on for Barro and AkzoNobel updates

An EPA officer inspects the Kealba landfill site. (EPA)

By Matthew Sims

Brimbank council has called for an update from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) on the Kealba landfill and AkzoNobel North Sunshine developments.

Councillor Virginia Tachos passed a notice of motion at the council meeting on Tuesday, April 19, calling on council to write to EPA chief executive Lee Miezis to request an urgent update on compliance and enforcement activity by the EPA regarding the Barro Group’s Kealba landfill and AkzoNobel North Sunshine and request that the EPA resume meaningful dialogue with the local communities and provide an update to the impacted communities.

Cr Tachos also asked council to provide copy of the correspondence to the Energy, Environment and Climate Change Minister Lily D’Ambrosio, Sydenham MP Natalie Hutchins and St Albans MP Natalie Suleyman.

According to the motion, the update should include the progress on resolving the ongoing issues of concern, the timeframes for the resolution of these issues, the reasons for current compliance strategies and engagement activities with the impacted communities.

Cr Tachos said the two EPA licenced sites continued to cause “considerable distress” to the local communities.

“Local communities have been promised strong and swift action by the EPA to resolve these issues,” she said.

“Local communities have been promised that the EPA is doing everything it can to resolve the issues, but to date, despite all these promises, the EPA is nowhere to be found.

“Local communities have been let down by the EPA again.”

EPA regional manager western metropolitan Steve Lansdell said that the EPA would be continuing “strong regulatory action” regarding the Kealba landfill and AkzoNobel paint and resin manufacturing plant issues.

“EPA acknowledges the concerns and impacts both issues have had on the local community for too long, and these continue to be considered with all compliance and enforcement actions taken,” he said.

“While each site and issue is different, EPA has taken a consistent approach that includes escalating enforcement action that has included official warnings, fines and in the case of Barro Group – suspending their operating licence.

“EPA continues to investigate any potential breaches of licence and relevant laws at both sites, and has strict legal requirements in place to resolve the issues as quickly and safely as possible through active regulatory notices.”

Mr Lansdell said any residents with concerns about these issues should come along to an upcoming community information session on Tuesday, May 3, 3-6pm at St Albans Community Centre, 33 Princess Street, St Albans.

The EPA has given Barro Group until August 22 to complete remedial work at the Kealba site, after suspending Barro Group’s licence to operate the landfill in September 2021 due to ongoing hotspot and odour issues impacting nearby residents.

The EPA is currently reviewing AkzoNobel’s latest plan for further odour controls to confirm any further requirements and timeframes.