Brimbank council is seeking a comprehensive shared path network to ease a heavy reliance on cars across the municipality.
The council says links between Sunshine and Watergardens stations, along the Sydenham rail line, and from Victoria University in St Albans to Robinsons Road in Deer Park could be “key trails”.
The council is concerned Brimbank is in a section of outer-western Melbourne that has lower walking and cycling rates than the Victorian average.
“The existing cycling and walking networks in Brimbank do not sufficiently connect the activity centres across, or to networks beyond, the municipality,” an updated transport priorities report states.
“Gaps and barriers have been identified as deterrents to walking and cycling in Brimbank, with no safe way available for residents or visitors to utilise active transport options within the municipality.
“Car dependence in Brimbank is high – people are 11 per cent more likely to drive compared to the metro average.
“Further development of, and funding for, the principal bicycle network is also required from VicRoads.”
While the council has built more than 15 kilometres of off-road trails in recent years, “more work is required to connect the northern and southern parts of the municipality”.
“The development of a shared path network covering the whole of Brimbank … is required to give residents and visitors more transport options,” the report states.
Brimbank Bicycle Users Group president Ferdinand Saliba said 2014 had been a “very good year for cycling improvements” in the area.
Bike Safe Macedon Ranges member Andrew Smeal, who is lobbying for a bike path connecting St Albans with Diggers Rest along the Calder Freeway, said Brimbank was littered with areas that were “hostile” to cycling.
“Car dependence is high because if you want to travel by another mode of transport, you quickly find limitations in the network that can be frustrating,” he said.
“There have been significant improvements in Brimbank over the last couple of years as part of the Regional Rail Link works but more is needed.”