Brimbank Men’s Table

Brimbank Men's Table on the hunt for new members. (Supplied)

By Holly McGuinness

Brimbank Men’s table is an organisation that provides men a place to share, listen and support each other.

The group is relatively new to Brimbank and still on the lookout for new members to share in their small support group where there’s no pressure to talk or share, just as long as you can listen.

Meeting at the same location each month, the group encourages all kinds of men to attend but spaces are limited to keep the sessions comfortable for new members.

Someone who attends regular Men’s table events said, “I think it is a testament to the Men’s Table that I’ve had all my support needs covered by those monthly gatherings and the regular communication that we have between ourselves on WhatsApp outside of those catch ups.”

In a recent survey by the organisation to participants they found 82 per cent felt ​​the ability to share feelings and be vulnerable in a session, 65 per cent felt a social connection and 59 per cent experienced improved mental health and wellbeing.

To become involved men are invited to attend an ‘Entree’ session where they can get to know each other, the best table for them to attend near them and learn more about what they can expect.

It’s a great place to build connections for men, particularly in a post lockdown world, a gentleman who attended an entree session said, “I don’t have huge amounts of friendships outside or work.

“I have a pretty small circle in terms of discussing private matters. I don’t have a huge network of people that I could discuss issues that are going on in my life and I think it could be helpful.”
