Booster rates low in Brimbank


Tara Murray

Brimbank council is renewing calls for community members to roll their sleeves up and get the COVID-19 jabs.

While many Brimbank residents have done the right thing, the vaccine numbers in Brimbank are still below many other areas in the state.

As of January 31, 91.3 per cent of eligible Brimbank residents have received two doses of the vaccine and less than a third of those eligible for their third COVID-19 vaccination shot has received one, according to Victorian government data.

Postcode data up to February 1, showed that between 35 and 40 per cent of eligible people had their third dose in the 3036 and 3042 postcodes.

In the 3038 and 3020 postcodes it was between 30 and 35 per cent, in the 3023 postcode the number was between 25 and 30 per cent.

There was no data for the 3037 postcode.

The Department of Health says that the COVID-19 third dose prevents waning immunity against COVID-19.

Brimbank council continues to work with local and state health providers to provide opportunities for vaccination in the community.

Mayor Jasmine Nguyen said the community did a fantastic job last year responding to the call to get vaccinated to help protect each other as Victoria was reopening.

“With the virus still circulating in the community, we are being asked as a community to get a third dose of the vaccination to increase protection for our loved ones, our businesses and our health professionals.

“Vaccination against this virus is important, but so is wearing a mask when required, meeting outside where possible, practicing physical distancing and getting tested when you have any symptoms. These small things will help to support our community through the pandemic.”

The council’s COVID Connector program continues to act as a local one stop shop to help community members navigate the information they need around testing, vaccination and what to do if they have COVID-19.

The program which is available Monday to Friday has been helping facilitate the vaccination take-up and supporting the community throughout the pandemic.
