Birthday bash for the west

Colette McInerney, Jude Twyman and Patrick Massaguoi at the West Welcome Wagon warehouse. (Damjan Janevski) 350127_01

From humble beginnings in 2013, West Welcome Wagon (WWW) will mark its 10 year anniversary this month.

The organisation now supports over 2,700 clients from 42 different countries, and has distributed more than 12,000 material goods and assistance this year alone.

West Welcome Wagon chair Chris Scerri has been part of the organisation for seven years. He said the 10 year milestone is an opportunity to recognise those who established the organisation, and those who have helped it flourish and grow ‘beyond all expectations’.

“I joined [WWW] in 2016, initially through a donation to the organisation followed by a desire to help people seeking asylum and refugees settle into their homes in the western suburbs of Melbourne,” he said.

Over the years, Mr Scerri said WWW has been able to establish a warehouse that has enabled the organisation to store more donations, and efficiently support more people in the west.

“One constant has been the support of our western suburbs community and fantastic support from a core group of committed volunteers,” he said.

To celebrate the occasion, WWW is looking for support from the local community to help raise critical funds needed to keep the wheels of the organisation turning.

West Welcome Wagon’s 10th anniversary fundraising event will take place at the Seaview in Williamstown on Thursday, October 26, from 6-9pm. Tickets are $100.

Mr Scerri said the night will feature a silent auction, merchandise to purchase, and donations will be accepted throughout the evening.

“Invitation is open to all who would like to celebrate our past successes and contribute to our future sustainability,” he said.


Hannah Hammoud