Backyard blitz


Tate Papworth

Many spots that families love to play and enjoy nature may be closed, but one place that is open to nature-and-fun-lovers is your own backyard.

The Brimbank Council’s environment team will be an array of activities each week online and in its newsletters to support the community and improve the environment.

Playing backyard bingo, learning about growing a sustainable veggie patch, and bird and butterfly watching are just some of the activities listed.

The program will focus on producing and sharing online content that residents can easily participate in at home and have some fun along the way.

It will also include tips and online resources to improve your garden through the My Smart Garden program

Brimbank mayor Georgina Papafotiou encouraged all residents to get out in the backyard and try something new.

“Getting in the backyard can help people feel happier, healthier and more connected, especially during these challenging times,” Cr Papafotiou said.

“Brimbank’s Environment team is responding to the changing needs of our community during this COVID-19 emergency with a range of innovative activities to support the community and continue to improve their environmental efforts at a time that every-day family life has changed so much.”