Ardeer Primary School given cheque to buy five more iPads

Cindy, Cueston and Chelsea know their way around a tablet computer. Picture: Dennis Mankeltow

Ardeer Primary School pupils will have a few more iPads at their fingertips thanks to some local supermarket sponsorship. Last Tuesday, principal Graham Miller was given a $2500 cheque from Sunshine West’s Morgans IGA. Mr Miller said the school would use the money to buy about five more of the tablet computers for pupils to use to complement their studies. He said the tablets are an important learning tool in modern classrooms. “The kids find them so easy to use,” he said. An Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development report found Australia is the highest user of technology in schools. It said Australian students spend nearly an hour on the internet when they are at school, which is more than any other country and twice the amount of the OECD average. The report found the impact of modern technology on student performance was “mixed”.