Arcare turns 20

Acare Sydenham residents manager Patricia Arancibia-Collao with resident Ian Poulter celebrate the age care facilities 20th birthday. (Luke Hemer) 205358_01

Tate Papworth

A Sydenham aged care facility notched up a special milestone last month.

Arcare Sydenham celebrated its 20th birthday and resident manager Patricia Arancibia-Collao said it was a grand occasion.

“It was such a fantastic day, we had a masquerade themed cocktail party and all the staff, residents and family turned out,” she said.

“It was wonderful … all the residents had their masks on. There were some we thought might not be too into it, but they were all up there dance.

“The food and the DJ were also fantastic.”

The centre opened its doors in December 1999, but decided to hold the official celebration in February.

Ms Arancibia-Collao said the latest celebration strengthened ties between the facility and its clients.

“We’ve really made a point of getting the families involved in our major events,” she said.

“Recently we’ve had a major family fun day, our carols service and this birthday celebration.

“We’ve had so much family feedback about how much they’ve loved these events, which has been great because we’re all about family and strengthening those relationships.”

She said the facility plans to continue hosting events that bring the entire community together.

Tate Papworth