Active schools grants nurturing our future sports stars

The state government has announced more than 400 schools will share in $6.7 million of funding under the Active Schools initiative which gives grants to schools that support them to help local students get physically active.

The joint initiative by Cricket Victoria, Melbourne Renegades, and Active Schools encourages children, especially girls, to get active while showcasing and celebrating pathways in community cricket.

The initiative includes a toolkit for school leaders and teachers, advice from expert Physical Activity Advisors and funding for schools with around 500 schools participating since Active Schools was launched in 2021.

Schools have previously used their Active Schools funding to upskill PE teachers, purchase sports and fitness equipment, implement programs such as bicycle education, circus and dance, build outdoor learning spaces, make upgrades to playgrounds, install sensory play areas and cover costs associated with sports and physical activities.

The initiative encourages students to get involved in physical activity and develop healthy lifelong habits.

Education Minister Ben Carroll physical activity is fundamental to health and wellbeing.

“Giving students more opportunities to increase their physical activity ensures they get the best start in life and helps them develop lifelong healthy habits,” he said.