Accessible parking proposal rejected by Brimbank councillors


It was a tense meeting on May 21, as Brimbank council made the decision to not increase the number of accessible car parking spaces at the front of the Brimbank Community and Civic Centre (BCCC).

Currently, there are three parking bays at the entrance of the BCCC with one dedicated to accessible parking.

Last year, Cr Kerr raised a notice of motion for the re-designation of the car parks to be all accessible car parking spaces.

Cr Kerr is a member of the Brimbank Disability Advisory Committee which hosts regular meetings at the BCCC and said there are not accessible parking spots available.

“It is of utmost importance that people with disability have sufficient, accessible parking and that other members of the community respect those designated parking bays,” Cr Kerr said at the time.

The report came back to council at a council meeting on April 16, but was deferred to the May council meeting after Cr Kerr expressed that she was not “satisfied” with council’s proposed recommendation of ‘Option C’, which recommended that the existing parking bays along Hampshire Road, comprising of one accessible bay and two short term parking bays, remain as they are, with enforcement to ensure appropriate use.

Again, at the most recent council meeting on May 21, ‘Option C’ was recommended by council officers and passed with the support from Crs Ranka Rasic, Jae Papalia, Thuy Dang, Sam David, and Sarah Branton who outvoted Crs Maria Kerr, Victoria Borg, Virginia Tachos, and Bruce Lancashire.

Cr Maria Kerr accused council of prioritising cost concerns over the needs of the community.

“This is not a good outcome for people living with a disability that require an accessible car park,” Cr Kerr said.

Cr Victoria Borg attempted to raise a foreshadowed motion in favour of ‘Option B’ which would convert the two existing short term parking bays to accessible car parking bays, but was unsuccessful as the original motion was moved successfully.

Hannah Hammoud