A reconciliation plan to be proud of: mayor

Brimbank council offices. (Damjan Janevski) 256135_01

Brimbank council’s Reconciliation Action Plan is nearly ready to go, with a long stint of community consultation coming to a close.

At its June 18 meeting, council put forward the final draft of the plan, that stems from 2024 to 2026.

The draft action plan is part of council’s commitment to reconciliation and is said to pave the way for greater respect, inclusion and equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our community.

It lists the actions council will take to nurture it’s relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, value the knowledge and expertise of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, seek ways to enhance the contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Islander peoples to the community, ensure it’s programs and services are accessible and culturally safe for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and manage and administer the plan over the next two years.

Councillor Victoria Borg said the plan shows how far the community has come in regards to respect and reconciliation.

“It was interesting to read the answers to questions with regards to the plan, they’ve all been noted, and relevant changes have been made,” she said.

“Some changes may be small, but highly significant.

Mayor Ranka Rasic said she is proud of the plan that council has developed, and that council is firmly committed to ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are celebrated for their achievements, culture, and history throughout the municipality.