A century of positivity and family

Brookfield resident Jean Clark has celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends. (Damjan Janevski) 426882_01

Melton has welcomed another centenarian after Brookfield resident Jean Clark celebrated turning 100-years-old on Friday, August 23.

Born in Wycheproof, Ms Clark spent her early years in the dry scrub of the Mallee before moving to Sunshine, where she spent the majority of her life.

When asked about the secret to living through economic depressions, a world war, polio epidemics and a COVID pandemic, she remained tight lipped.

“I better not tell you!” said Ms Clark.

It appears a sense of humour is the secret, but in reality it is family.

“I’m so, so proud of them … they’ve always been a very caring family and that’s why I’ve got to where I have.”

While she misses her husband Jack, a veteran of the Kokoda Track campaign, she is well supported by her four children, nine grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, and a great-great grandchild.

Ms Clark’s second eldest daughter, Di Foster, said her mother’s positive energy is infectious and family members love spending time with her.

“None of us live in Sunshine now … but we all make time. Mum’s grandchildren are busy with the great-grandchildren but they all make an effort too.”

Ms Foster said her mother’s memory was remarkable and attention to detail second-to-none.

“When we drive around Footscray or Sunshine, mum still remembers all the different landmarks and she’ll say ‘that is new’ or ‘that wasn’t there before’.”

Reflecting on the year’s gone by, Ms Clark said it has been “a lovely hundred years” filled with “very happy memories.”

Her detailed life includes more than 80 years as a parishioner at Sunshine Presbyterian Church and paying frequent visits to the Melton Botanic Garden.

Eddie Russell