A celebration of love and family

Alex and Dulcie O'Brien celebrate their 70th Anniversary Pic Marco De Luca

From school days together to raising a family, and enjoying their retirement, Deer Park couple Alex and Dulcie O’Brien have been inseparable most of their lives, and last week celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.

Alex, 94, and Dulcie, 90, were married on March 27, 1948. They raised three children in the Deer Park home they still live in, and have watched their family grow to include four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

The pair said that growing up across the street from each other and attending the same school meant their early courtship just happened.

“We were always friends, the families knew each other and we lived so close that it all just went from there,” Dulcie said.

“We’ve been in this house pretty much since we were married, all three kids were born in this house not the hospital, and we’ve watched Deer Park change over a long time.

“We’ve been very lucky to have such a lovely family, everyone gets along and they’ve never given us a bit of trouble.”

Alex and Dulcie said it was their supportive family, and not letting arguments fester, that were the secret to their remarkable longevity.

“You make your vows for life, and for better or for worse you stick through things,” Alex said. “We have our little disagreements quite often, but you forget about it in five minutes and it’s all over.

“All our kids make the effort to travel to come and see us regularly to catch up and help out around the house, which is wonderful.

“Family-wise we’re the luckiest guys in the world, we’ve looked after them and they’ve responded. That’s why we’ve had a good life.”