Virginia Care has been through a lot in her life, but the Sunshine North woman has endured to celebrate her 100th birthday last week.
Ms Care was born on May 26, 1918, in the south of Italy, had four children, moved to Australia and watched as her family grew around her.
Her son, Nazza Care, said it had been a tough life at times.
“It was very hard – if you can imagine living off the land 100 years ago, and just village life with only a few thousand around,” Mr Care said. “She basically had just enough to survive. So when her sister and brother came out to Australia in the mid-’60s, we followed soon after to get a better lifestyle.”
Soon after migrating to Australia in 1969,
Ms Care was caring for her husband, after he was diagnosed with cancer, and raising four kids in Shepparton.
“It was difficult for her in a new country, not speaking the language and trying to get around, but she liked the lifestyle and adapted to it,” Mr Care said.
Her family has grown to include 11 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren, with the whole family gathering at Club Italia on May 27 to celebrate her milestone birthday.
What has been the secret to her longevity?
“She eats healthy – lots of vegetables and fruit – and she’s not a big eater,” Mr Care said.
“She still enjoys a glass of red wine with dinner, but I think she’s just been cut from a tough tree.”