$30,000 Grant to look at impact of energy transition on older Victorians


AusNet has awarded Council on the Ageing (COTA) Victoria a $30,000 Vulnerability Research Grant to investigate the impact of the energy transition on customers aged 65+, and to help inform AusNet’s plans to improve energy outcomes for older Victorians.

AusNet chief executiv David Smales, said that as the peak advocacy organisation for older Victorians, COTA Victoria has an important role to play in leading this work.

“This research will provide AusNet with unique and invaluable insights that will enable us to better support this group and also work with others on how we can improve energy outcomes for older customers,” he said.

“We need to understand and respond to the challenges faced by our older customers. Of particular interest will be how the increasing costs of living are impacting seniors,” said Mr Smales.

COTA Victoria chief executive Chris Potaris, said cost of living pressures are disproportionately impacting older Australians, many of whom have fixed incomes sources.

“We know anecdotally that older Victorians, who may not be as tech savvy as their younger counterparts, may be missing out on some of the opportunities that are being offered in the technology space,” he said.

“This funding will enable COTA Victoria to delve into the experiences and challenges faced by people aged 65+.”

The research will explore the views of older AusNet customers, delving into their experiences and awareness of the energy transition.

“We will be conducting the research through online surveys, in addition to focus groups, to gain deeper insights into the issues identified through the survey,” said Mr Potaris.