Sydenham: Catholic Regional College trade centre trades up

Catholic Regional College’s Sydenham campus is all smiles after its trade training centre received a glowing endorsement from the federal government.

The centre, which operates five businesses on-site, was lauded by a federal government independent review into the Trade Training Centre in Schools program as “an international showcase for entrepreneurial effort in the delivery of trade courses in schools”.

The campus opened in 2010 and delivers qualifications in bakery, construction, hospitality, manufacturing and printing, aiming to address national skills shortages. It received $6 million in federal funding for its programs.

Students get practical experience working at one of the five on-site businesses: the CRC Bakery, Quatrefoils Restaurant, Sydsigns, Frames @ CRC, and the Crate Theatre.

The government review found that the Sydenham campus could claim “ongoing success stories, with past students progressing into apprenticeships at Sofitel, Ferguson Plarre Cakes, continuing in and completing certificates in patisserie at William Angliss Institute, apprenticeships in signage with further studies at Victoria University, and many more”.

CRC Sydenham principal Brendan Watson said it was no surprise the school had been singled out.

“There was always going to be a risk opening five businesses let alone handing over the businesses to students so they could make mistakes and learn,” Mr Watson said.

“The model was sound, as was our resolve to provide every educational opportunity to the students. While the first year was a challenge to build the businesses … the local community was fast to respond with their patronage and support.”