Albion community centre employee attacked, police seek information

Police are calling for witnesses to an aggravated burglary at a community centre in Albion earlier this week. 

The Brimbank Embona Armed Robbery Taskforce is investigating after an employee was brutally attacked shortly after opening the Selwyn Street centre on Tuesday morning.

First Constable Roop Sodhi said the victim opened the centre about 8.30am when he got attacked from behind by a group of three males wearing balaclavas, one of them armed with a machete.

“They hit him with a chair and punched and kicked him repeatedly when he was on the ground,” First Constable Sodhi said.

“They entered the building with the intent to assault him, or assault whoever was there.”

The offenders made no demands for cash or any other items, and nothing was stolen during the attack. 

The victim suffered minor injuries, including soreness to his back and neck, from the assault.

First Constable Sodhi said the victim was unable to give an accurate description of the offenders because they were wearing balaclavas, but believed they  might have been Torres Strait Islanders.

Anyone with information on the attack is being asked to call the Brimbank Embona Armed Robbery Taskforce on 9313 3325 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.