White Ribbon Day: Brimbank takes a stand against violence

Brimbank council is joining traders to stand up to violence against women.

The council is joining the Sunshine and St Albans business associations in a series of events to mark White Ribbon Day, which advocates the elimination of men’s violence against women.

The council will host three anti-violence meetings today: in Sunshine, St Albans and Sydenham.

VicHealth research indicates the leading cause of preventable death, disability and illness for females aged 15 to 44 in Victoria is violence.

Women’s Health West health promotion co-ordinator Sally Camilleri said an Australian national community attitudes survey had recently revealed that 20 per cent of men believe domestic violence is excusable if it stems from a “temporary loss of control”.

“We know that a woman is killed in Australia by her male partner or ex‐partner nearly every week,” she said. “Violence against women is a serious, prevalent and preventable epidemic.”

Meanwhile, a consortium of councils and health services in the west, including Brimbank council, is undertaking a ‘16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women’ campaign until December 10 in an effort to promote cultural change in the western region.

Women’s Health West is launching a youth-focused You, Me and Us manual on “respectful relationships education”. The manual details education tools and resources, that have been effective in promoting equal and respectful relationships.

Women’s Health West chief executive Robyn Gregory said young people were more likely to listen to messages delivered by their peers.