Sunshine North: Residents say loud ‘no’ to River Valley quarry plan

More than 160 people have submitted objections to what they call major changes to the River Valley quarry site in Sunshine North.

The original plan was for a lake within the abandoned basalt quarry to be retained and landscaped.

But now the site’s owners have submitted plans to Brimbank council to fill in the quarry and build homes and an ornamental lake on the landfill.

Michael Vella, who has has lived in the area for 12 years, said he would like the owners to stick with the original plan. “Brimbank council is planning a major change and has told residents we have no appeal rights,” Mr Vella said. “The major change involves infilling the quarry site and building housing on top of the fill. The original plan assumed no landfill and residential premises inside the quarry site in and around the existing lake.”

Don Erskine, a co-director of River Valley Developments which acquired the land in 1992, said the abandonced quarry was dangerous and needed to be filled.

Brimbank city development director Stuart Menzies said the amended development plan did not propose any major changes. He said the council had received 160 submissions, including a petition with 127 signatures. “Filling of the former McGrath quarry hole is proposed to involve importing clean fill only,” Mr Menzies said.

“Filling works propose to raise the level of the lake from 12 metres AHD [Australian height datum] to 33 metres AHD, with the land around the lake also filled and battered gradually to the natural contours at the top of quarry hole, which is approximately 45m AHD.

“The developers have not provided any indication of when they wish to commence filling, should approval be given.”

– with The Age