Movelle Primary School: Faye Pourliakas closes book on 48-year career

When Faye Pourliakas walks out of the Movelle Primary School next month, she’ll close the gates on a 48-year teaching career.

The Taylors Lakes resident, 66, was inspired to teach after helping her younger brother John to read as a child.

Her first posting was at Newport Primary School, followed by stints at Wembley, Stevensville and Albanvale primary schools before starting at Movelle 23 years ago.

“In the first few years of teaching, three parents came up to me and said, ‘You’ve changed my child’s life’, and that was powerful. You get a buzz when you hear that kind of thing,” Ms Pourliakas said.

“I’ve carried that right through the last 48 years, knowing that I’ve changed lives. It’s been very, very rewarding.”

During her career, Ms Pourliakas has taught every year level except prep. For the past two years she has taught arts, music and drama.

She said a little observation and praise was the trick to making kids bloom.

“It’s always the connection with the kids that I’ve enjoyed the most.

“You look for the little sparkles in their lives and you just make a comment at the right time, and it changes them. They get this pride and that’s just magical.”

One thing she won’t miss is compiling reports and other paperwork.

Ms Pourliakas, who has four children and three grandchildren, is looking forward to spending more time with her family once she retires.

“I need to focus on myself, I’ve got grandkids to help out with, I’m involved with the Greek community in Altona … and lots of travelling.”