Sunvale site: Eastern half sold to private developer for $4.2m

The eastern half of the former Sunvale Primary School has been sold to a private developer.

Fairfax Media reported this morning the 0.8 hectare section was sold for $4.2 million.

It comes after Save Sunvale campaigners questioned how the land could be potentially sold when the Victorian Ombudsman was looking into their claims of a “flawed tender process”.

The Star Weekly spoke to an advisor of Assistant Treasurer Gordon Rich-Phillips yesterday but could not reveal any information about an imminent sale. 

Save Sunvale campaigner John Hedditch said the community was “devastated” with the sale.

“It’s a very sad announcement,” he said.

The western section of Sunvale Primary was brought by Brimbank council in March for $3 million and will be turned into a public park.


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