Save Sunvale campaigners to hold rally on Sunday

Brimbank residents are being urged to Stand Up For Sunvale.

Save Sunvale campaigners will hold a public rally this Sunday from 2pm at the former Sunvale Primary School site in Sunshine.

The 0.9 hectare eastern half of the site is currently up for sale and zoned residential.

Save Sunvale campaigners are calling on community support to have all of the land turned into parklands.

Brimbank council bought the western section earlier this year for community open space.

“When a community that is already under provided with open space is promised parklands on the whole Sunvale site and then finds that after three years of negotiating in good faith it is being left with even lower levels of access, then there’s only one option open to it,” SS campaigner John Hedditch said.

Mr Hedditch said the group also had concerns that environmental testing on the eastern section was inadequate.

To RSVP contact Colleen Hartland on or on 03 9689 6373.

More in Tuesday’s edition of the Brimbank Star Weekly.