Sunshine College campuses to unite in two sites under $19.4m overhaul

Sunshine College’s four campuses could be merged on to two sites in north and west Sunshine by 2017 as part of a $19.4 million overhaul, if the state government is re-elected in November.

Visiting the school last week, Education Minister Martin Dixon announced North Sunshine College would undergo a $6.3 million redevelopment of its trade, science and commerce wings, with money factored into the state’s upcoming budget.

Sunshine College principal Tim Blunt said a masterplan for future expansion of the college’s “very, very old” facilities, first drawn up in 2006, would have to be amended as the school aimed to cater for up to 1600 students. Its current student population is about 900.

“We’ve battled along in sub-standard facilities, getting great results,” he said. “Now I’m looking forward to getting the same results in new facilities. We’re very excited and happy.”

A “further investment of $13.1 million in future years” would fund a complete rebuild of the West Sunshine campus, including the replacement of seven existing buildings – blocks A, C, D, F and G, the main classroom wing and the science wing.

The music block would also be replaced and the multi-purpose hall refurbished.

While funding would be available from July 1, Mr Blunt didn’t anticipate any work to begin until the start of next year.

“This is a long-overdue announcement for students and teachers at Sunshine College and the Sunshine community,” Mr Dixon said.