Cairnlea win: Just 5% of Mixed Use Precinct for commercial use

LATEST: Cairnlea residents have had a major win, with revised plans revealing almost three-quarters of a mixed-use precinct will be zoned residential.

In just-released final plans for the 72-hectare site adjacent to Cairnlea Drive, Places Victoria has significantly reduced the size of commercial areas to just 5 per cent.

After six months of fighting plans that initially included large industrial areas, community campaigner Peter Brandecker said he was happy with the result.

“We have come pretty far … and I’m feeling pretty good,” he said.

In a letter to residents last week, Places Victoria senior development manager Kris Wilson said the commercial area would be confined to the southern part of the site, along Ballarat Road.

“Places Victoria will apply to have the commercial 1 zone applied to this area of the site to provide for commercial uses that typically support a residential area, such as shops, while restricting industrial land uses,” she said.

“Under the revised plan, approximately 71 per cent of the site will now be zoned general residential, with 5 per cent to be commercial 1 zone. The rest of the site will be dedicated to public open space and wetlands,” Ms Wilson said.

Places Victoria general manager Peter Armstrong said the final plan reflected the community’s aspirations.

“The commercial area has been significantly reduced and its proposed zoning will enable the development of more shops and services for Cairnlea residents while restricting industrial uses,” he said.

Places Victoria will apply for a planning-scheme amendment later this month and expects the Planning Minister to decide on the matter later this year.