Fewer shops, more housing planned for Cairnlea

Revised plans for the controversial Cairnlea mixed use precinct, including fewer shops and more houses, are expected to be revealed soon.

The Weekly revealed late last year that Places Victoria had dropped plans for industrial properties as part of the 72-hectare Cairnlea Drive development.

The urban renewal authority now says it could reduce further the size of proposed commercial areas.

Places Victoria is expected to make its final submission to the state government next month.

After meeting on February 7, residents and Places Victoria are united in wanting a commercial zone 1 applied to the mixed use precinct.

“After the meeting, Places Victoria did state that the commercial zone was changing in significant size and there was to be more housing within the new development,” Cairnlea resident Peter Brandecker said.

“Commercial 1 is more of a shop type of business and commercial 2 more of a warehouse style. We are on track and still fighting hard.”

Brimbank council has written to the Planning Minister, requesting a designation of commercial zone 2.

Places Victoria acting chief executive Peter Armstrong said the authority was considering an extension of the residential area further south towards Ballarat Road.

“Places Victoria’s preference is for general residential and commercial 1 zone to be applied to the site,’’ he said.

‘‘This would provide for commercial uses that typically support a residential area, such as services and retail, and would restrict industrial land uses.’’

An email to residents said a park and soccer field would go ahead on a former tip site. Places Victoria is exploring options for a cafe near a creek.