Melton council’s budget wish-list for Spring Street

A new community health centre in Melton and the creation of special development and secondary schools in the city’s eastern corridor feature on a state budget wishlist released by Melton council.

Construction of a Caroline Springs railway station and creation of a growth area fund were also prominent on the list approved by councillors recently.

They supported a motion by Cr Kathy Majdlik to write to the Premier, Treasurer and all local state MPs detailing the council’s funding priorities. “Our council is a growth council, so it’s important for us to advocate for the services we most need and let the state government know how important it is for them to hear what we need in our community,” she said.

“As a growth council, every service we can get and every assistance we can get in funding from the state government is a bonus for us.”

Construction of a railway station at Caroline Springs has stalled since a change in government in 2010. The project has been left out of every state budget since.

In August, an auditor-general’s report into transport infrastructure and services found that Hillside, Burnside and Caroline Springs residents were among the most disadvantaged in Melbourne. Establishment of a growth area local government fund was recommended in a report released by Melbourne’s 10 interface councils in February.

The report stated investment of about $9.8 million will be required within 15 years for new and upgraded infrastructure and services in growth areas. The councils want the government to establish a fund similar to the Regional Growth Fund, which is a pool of $1 billion to be spent over eight years on services for municipalities in country Victoria.

The new fund would help fund transport and road, health and education projects.

Melton Labor MP Don Nardella said funding for a hospital in Melton topped his list. “People are leaving the district for minor procedures which should be done in Melton.

“The upgrade of the specialist school in Melton and construction of the Arnolds Creek Primary School are also much needed. I would like to see the expansion of parking at Melton railway station, which is only half done.’’