Dangerous-dog owners put on notice with new laws

Harsher laws to crack down on irresponsible dog owners and people illegally breeding restricted dogs are on the way.

Under new legislation introduced by the state government last week, breeders of restricted-breed dogs face up to six months in jail.

The onus of proof will also be reversed.

If an animal is declared a restricted breed, it will be the owner’s responsibility to prove otherwise.

Owners whose dog attacks other animals or people face a 10-year ownership ban.

Owners of a restricted breed, dangerous or menacing dog who move the animal to a different municipality must notify the new council within 24 hours.

And owners will have 14 days to appeal a restricted-breed declaration to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Now, they have 28 days.

Vets will also be required to report restricted-breed dogs to authorities.

The changes follow the horrific death of St Albans four-year-old Ayen Chol, who was killed by a pitbull in 2011.