Web series to highlight west’s GLBTIQ youth

Caitlin Bryan. Picture: Damjan Janevski

A call is going out for volunteers to become involved in a web series portraying the lives of young people of diverse sexuality and gender in Melbourne’s west.

The WestandProud project aims to honestly portray gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer young people, their families and friends.

Filmmaker Caitlin Bryan said the aim was to raise the visibility of young GLBTIQ people.

“I guess I had a personal connection growing up realising I was gay,” she said.

“I think the importance of representation, having GLBTIQ visibility in the media but also telling local stories as well, is really important.

“We’re making a new web series, a fictional series, but it will be based on real experiences of people living in the west and will be written and produced by volunteers and people living in the western suburbs.

“I’ll be encouraging young people like aspiring filmmakers, graphic designers and producers to sign up, but it’s open to anyone who wants to get involved.

“All I’ll be seeking are people who are passionate and happy to do some work, get involved, do some writing, brainstorming, telling their own stories and collecting stories.”

Expressions of interest are being sought from young people who want to share their stories, and from industry professionals and mentors to be involved in production.

For information, visit westandproud.info or email cait@hearken.com.au