Platypus Man coming to a screen near you

'Platypus Man' aka Peter George. Picture: Shawn Smits.

Altona’s Peter George, also known as Platypus Man, fits the bill for a real-life superhero.

The environmentalist, who entertains children by singing in a platypus costume, is being filmed by the Altona Film Club for its entry in next month’s Sunshine Short Film Festival, which has a theme of “Superhero”.

Mr George, 80, is soft-spoken and a bit shy. But like a superhero, when he dons his platypus suit his persona transforms and out comes a booming voice.

Behind the costume, he says, is a serious message to live sustainably and “help the rivers and creeks and land”.

The Sunshine Short Film Festival is on Friday, October 30, at Village Cinemas Sunshine. Judging is by popular vote.