Looking after the health of women in the west

IPC Health dedicated women’s and young people’s health nurse Jo.

IPC Health wishes the women in our communities a wonderful International Women’s Day!

The theme this year is to inspire inclusion and as an organisation, we’re committed to maintaining a barrier-free and welcoming environment for all members of our diverse communities.

As your local community health care provider in the west, we offer a range of integrated services to improve and support your health and wellbeing. Our dedicated women’s and young people’s health nurses not only provide important health care services, they also work with clients from a number of diverse backgrounds offering dignity, privacy and a safe space for clients. From practical advice on cancer screening, menopause, periods and sexual health to family planning, continence advice and free condoms, our nurses provide confidential care and guidance where you can about talk anything without judgement!

Our nurses have recently rolled out self-collection cervical screening tests. This small change has had a big impact for our clients, especially those from refugee backgrounds.The traditionalway of clinician-assisted collection can prove to be confronting or feel embarrassing, resulting in avoidance of these important health screens.

“The use of self-collection tests has made a big difference for clients who may have been undecided about coming in for an appointment. Now we can provide guidance and assurance and they can perform the collection in a time and place where they’re most comfortable. It’s another example of community health care offering inclusive services and workingwithour clients,“ says nurse Jo from the women’s and young people’s health service

With six campuses across Melbourne’s west, we work with you to identify your individual health and wellbeing goals. Our extensive community partners ensure that you receive the right care tailored to your needs. From mental health and aged care services to volunteering and GP clinics, we also provide outreach, support groups and group classes.

Visit our website at www.ipchealth.com.aufor more information and get in touch on 1300 472 432 to see how we can move your health and wellbeing journey forward together.