Takes two to tango
Free Argentine Tango classes are available at Glen Hall, on the corner of Glengala Road and Simmie Street, Sunshine. 7.30-8.30pm on Thursdays.
■ 9331 6580
Libraries go green
Brimbank’s five libraries will offer educational and environmentally themed activities during the upcoming school holidays. Enviro-Gro growing kit sessions, explaining plant germination and offering youngsters their own seeds to grow, will be held at Sunshine, June 27 at 10.30am; Keilor Village, June 28 at 2pm; Deer Park, June 29 at 10.30am; Sydenham, June 30 at 4pm, and St Albans, July 1 from 2pm. A games tournament will let kids design a garden using Minecraft, and will be held at Deer Park on June 28, 2-4pm, with five $20 vouchers up for grabs.
■ www.brimbanklibraries.vic.gov.au
German speaker needed
Multiple Sclerosis community visitors scheme needs a female volunteer who speaks German to help at an aged care facility in Sunshine West.
■ 9845 2729 or cvsrecruitment@ms.org.au
Community planning days
Have your say about council and its community culture at a special listening post next month. The July 2 session from, 10.30am-12.30pm will include details of the Brimbank community plan. It will be held at the corner of Main Road East and St Albans Road, St Albans. Forums will also be held in August, and an online survey is open until July 1 at www.brimbank.vic.gov.au
■ 9249 4000 or info@brimbank.vic.gov.au
Puppetry in play
The Owl’s Apprentice combines puppetry and physical comedy, and is ideal for kids from three years of age, at Lakeview Senior College auditorium from 6-8.30pm on June 28. Bookings essential.
■ www.melton.vic.gov.au/creativeprograms
Made in Braybrook
Braybrook artisans and creative artists will descend on Central West shopping centre next week for the annual Made in Braybrook. The event, which runs from 10am to 2pm, is being held outside Black Pepper, and is a partnership with the Braybrook Community Hub. The event celebrates those who design, create and develop a selection of handmade wares, including clothing, jewellery, accessories, leather goods and cultural desserts. New art and craft groups are also welcome to join.
■ www.centralwest.com.au/whats-on/made-in-braybrook
Keilor farewells council
Brimbank council’s last official council meeting at Keilor will be held tonight, from 7-10pm. Staff move to the new community and civic centre at Sunshine four days later. All council meetings will be held at Sunshine from July.
■ 9249 4000 or info@brimbank.vic.gov.au
How to apply for grants
Brimbank community grants program information and grant writing sessions are on this month. Grant categories include leadership, family violence prevention and gender equity, lifelong learning and healthy and connected communities and environment. At the Visy Cares Hub, Sunshine on June 23, 2.30-5pm.
■ 9249 4307 or communitygrants@brimbank.vic.gov.au
Here’s your chance to win one of two double passes (valued at $181.48 each) to the tribute show HIStory at Her Majesty’s Theatre on July 15 at 8pm. HIStory is a journey through Michael Jackson’s vast catalogue of work, from his beginnings in Jackson 5 to his groundbreaking theatrics of the ’80s and his evolution into the 21st century. www.mjhistoryshow.com
To enter, click here.
Entries close at 11.59pm on Sunday, June 26 and will be drawn at 9am the next day at 380 City Road, Southbank, 3006. Entrants must be over 18 years old and reside in Victoria. See our Competition Terms & Conditions for more details. All winners will be contacted direct by the prize supplier within seven days of the winners being drawn.