My Brimbank: Police Inspector Chris Gilbert

Police Inspector Chris Gilbert chats to Yasemin Talat about his time in Brimbank as he prepares to take on a new role as superintendent for the Western Region, based in Geelong.

What’s been your favourite thing about being Brimbank Police Inspector?

The time spent with our new recruits has been excellent. I’ve enjoyed seeing them develop at Brimbank and do some excellent work so early in their careers.

Where are you off to now?

In the immediate future I’m undertaking a 12-week course of study in peace and conflict resolution through the generous support of Rotary International. After that I’ll take up a position as a superintendent in Western Region, which is a support role for members working in western Victoria.

Brimbank council last week acknowledged your hard-work and commitment at its council meeting. How did that feel?

Brimbank council has been a sensational partner to work with from top to bottom. The administrators, directors and the entire team have offered support along the way to partner with us on community safety. It was humbling to be recognised and hear their kind words.

What have you enjoyed most about your time here?

Definitely being able to get out into the community and learn a lot about the richness of multiculturalism.

What are the biggest changes you’ve seen during your time as Brimbank Inspector?

Our approach to service delivery has altered markedly as a result of community feedback and being more accountable for the resources

we have. I believe our local networks are stronger than ever and our members are more attuned to the diverse needs of locals.

What do you think are some of your greatest achievements for Brimbank?

As a team we have delivered successive years of crime reductions. We’ve brought more than 100 additional police into our division and we’ve used them effectively and efficiently. We’ve also worked hard to build confidence in our ability to meet community needs.

What are you most proud of during your time working here?

I think we’ve been able to adapt to the changing needs of this community.

What do you hope to see for the future of Brimbank?

I’d love to see more locals getting active in community safety initiatives and further strengthening the networks that are here to support them.

Where was your favourite spot for lunch/coffee?

There’s no going past any of the bakeries in Brimbank for a pork roll or a pho. Easily the best in Melbourne!

What’s your final message to residents?

I think all Brimbank residents should be proud of the community they live in and be confident their local police team remains committed to their safety and continued prosperity.