From the Archives: The Advocate

40 years ago

February 26, 1975

Sunshine council wants its own radio station. It also wants to buy the Highway Inn for community use.

And all this was decided by seven councillors at a special meeting, which lasted only 10 minutes and was held just before council’s monthly meeting. Absent were councillors Tighe, Skidmore, McKay, Lowe and Thomas.

30 years ago

February 27, 1985

A working party to report directly to Education Minister Robert Fordham will be set up to investigate overcrowding at Deer Park North Primary School, which parents say has reached “tipping point”.

The decision to form the working party follows a special meeting held at the school on Monday night.

20 years ago

February 22, 1995

A bone marrow donation from Iman Ibraheim, 16, has saved the life of her six-year-old sister, Inas.

In July 1993, Inas, then aged four-and-a-half, was diagnosed with fanconi anemia, a rare inherited disease which attacks the bone marrow. Doctors first diagnosed the disease as kidney-related and it was not until a bone sample was taken at the Royal Children’s Hospital that they identified fanconi anemia.

10 years ago

February 22, 2005

A 15-year-old rapist living opposite a primary school in Sunshine was relocated days after

The Advocate questioned his placement.

The Salvation Army and Department of Human Services last week removed the boy, who is serving 12 months’ probation for the rape of his three-year-old foster sister when he was 12.