Forty years ago

January 15, 1975

A social committee member of the Sunshine Baseball Club has been placed on 12 months’ probation for stealing $1222 from the club.

He stole the money from the club’s safe while working as a barman in the club rooms. The committeeman had been a member of the club for 12 years.

Before Sunshine Court was Evan Maxwell Norquay, 25, clerk of Tudor Road, North Sunshine.

Thirty years ago

January 16, 1985

Neighbors Effa Popp and Joe Scimone have tried everything to destroy two giant European wasp nests that are thriving on a vacant block of land in Perret Avenue,
St Albans. Mr Scimone, who lives at No.31 in the avenue, even tried pouring a can of petrol down the nests and setting them alight, but was unsuccessful. Mr Scimone, the father of three young children, and next door neighbour Mrs Popp, who has a daughter, fear for their children’s safety.

Twenty years ago

January 11, 1995

Police believe two Molotov cocktails thrown through a window at the north campus of Sunshine Secondary College on New Year’s Day were a calculated attempt to cause hundreds of thousands of dollars damage.

The fire, which was put out before it caused extensive damage, is the latest in a series of arson attacks in the Northumberland Road-Suffolk Road area, according to police.

Ten years ago

January 11, 2005

Amid the tragedy and despair of the tsunami disaster which hit Asia comes hope and pride in human nature. Brimbank residents opened their hearts, minds and wallets almost immediately as news of the tragedy unfolded.