MY SUBURB: Peter Head, Sunshine

Peter Head, senior services and programs officer at Sunshine library, has lived in Brimbank for only three years but his work has ensured he is well entrenched in the community. “I deal with everyone, from babies to seniors,” says the father of two.

Where’s your favourite retreat spot?

Behind Selwyn Park, by the river. There are secluded spots on the rocks. I also like riding along the bike path there.

Favourite place to get coffee or a bite to eat?

I love the Vietnamese shop across from Sunshine library where you can get $4 rolls, and the Vietnamese restaurant in Sunshine, Thuan An. The vegetarian laksa there is great. I also like Maneno’s African Restaurant in Sunshine, the Ethiopian pancakes they have there are delicious; it also has a pool hall connected to it.

What would you change in your neighbourhood?

It would be good if there were more spaces for young people to hang out in the evenings and for them to have a venue for physical activity to keep them occupied.

What wouldn’t you change?

Brimbank being so multicultural. There’s all sorts of food available here. And there’s a nice community feel. The people are friendly and kids can play in the street.

Most embarrassing moment when out and about?

Forgetting to put the rubbish out the night before bin collection day and having to race out and do it in my dressing gown and pyjamas.

What’s coming up at Sunshine library?

I’m organising Storytime in the Park, which will run from December to March. Kids can attend the free sessions in different parks around Brimbank. It was popular last year.

And in January, we’re having a grandparents’ and grandkids’ Wii competition. One grandparent can team up with a grandchild and play off against another grandparent and their grandchild.