World’s Greatest Shave: Bare-faced generosity

Albanvale’s Bryan Lewis hasn’t been clean-shaven for almost 10 years, but that’s about to change.

The truck driver and his wife Joanne will both go under the clippers next month to raise $2000 for the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave.

Mr Lewis, 31, has been growing his beard for 18 months in preparation for the charity event. He will take the entire 280mm off at Brimbank shopping centre on March 16.

His children Brylee, 8, and Kimba, 6, will colour their hair blue and pink respectively.

“The girls are sad mum will be losing her hair but are adjusting after we explained that it’s to help seriously ill people,” Mrs Lewis said.

The family will hold a barbecue fund-raiser at Masters Burnside on March 2. 
