MY SHOUT: Tougher approach to assaults

I always feel uncomfortable when politicians make kneejerk reactions to an issue of the day.

At the moment it’s king-hit assaults, now referred to as coward punches.

Politicians across Australia are doing their best to be seen rightfully condemning such actions. But when they start talking about mandatory sentences you know they’ve succumbed to shock-jock fever.

What’s the point of reviewing sentences for coward punching when it’s already against the law? There should be a tougher approach to assaults in general.

The term ‘coward punch’ implies there’s a more chivalrous way to assault someone, such as insisting they put up their dukes before beating the crap out of them.

Coward punches certainly need addressing. But so does all violence, including domestic assault against women, which is as cowardly as it gets.