VCE: Well done, 2013 high achievers

High achievers have much to celebrate, but it is important to remember that there is much more to success than a high VCE score.

Today we congratulate Victoria’s highest achievers, the students who gained study scores between 40 and 50 (the top mark) from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority in VCE subjects offered in 2013.

Students who gained high results should feel proud of their achievements and of their commitment to their study in the past year.

For many students, gaining high results means they have a good chance of getting into their first-preference course.

However, it is important that we do not overlook the achievements of other VCE students – those who have worked to the best of their ability, whatever the result, should also feel proud of their efforts.

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It is important to recognise that not all VCE students start from a level playing field. Studies have concluded that factors such as intelligence levels, family background, socio-economic status and attitude to education all contribute to how VCE students perform.

Similarly, some schools are better equipped than others. Some are wealthier, in terms of budgets and facilities, than others. Not surprisingly, a high proportion of VCE top achievers come from these schools.

Some students will be disappointed they are not offered a place in their preferred tertiary course. But it is important to remember there are other study and career pathways.

These include accepting an alternative course and then transferring to a preferred course in second year, or starting in vocational study and then moving to university (and vice versa).

Other students may decide to defer their study for a year or move straight into the workforce.

There is no reason why they can’t return to study in two, five or even 10 years.

Regardless of their results, it is important that students who are uncertain about their future consult their school’s VCE or careers counsellor for advice.

Whatever their results, The Age wishes all VCE students success for the future.

This special does not include the names of all students who gained study scores of 40 or above. Some students did not give permission for their names to be published.


Number of students eligible to graduate with VCE: 51,047

Students who sat at least one exam: 82,886

Assessors marking written exams: 3000

Students who sat English exam: 42,953

Students who sat an exam in China: 359

Students who sat an exam in United Arab Emirates: 11

For other statistics, visit the VCAA website