Singer Grace lands on Planet Ludwig

Keilor singer Grace Marino runs a bakery by day, but belting out a tune is where her true passion lies.

After meeting singer and songwriter Joe Mandica at a breast cancer charity event, her vocals on the Essendon resident’s latest album, The Initiative, are being heard overseas.

“I’ve been singing for a few years, but I feel very blessed at the moment,” Marino says.

“[The album has] had a bit of interest in the US.’’

Several tracks from the album have been given a spin on New York internet radio show Planet Ludwig after a friend of Mandica’s ran into DJ Steve Ludwig at a party.

“My friend went to the States and had a few of my CDs,” Mandica says.

“[Ludwig] really dug one of our tunes … we’re going to do an interview in December and have the album played in full.”