More family violence reports, but fewer charges laid

Women’s Health West is struggling to address a massive increase in the reporting of family violence in Brimbank over the past four years.

New figures show a sharp rise in the number of incidents reported, from 1333 in 2008-09 to 1940 in 2012-13.

But just 16 per cent of cases reported last financial year resulted in charges being laid, compared to 27 per cent in 2008-09.

Speaking during last week’s ‘Week Without Violence’, Women’s Health West health promotion worker Stephanie Rich said Brimbank’s figures reflected higher reporting rates across the western suburbs.

The organisation reported an enormous increase in police referrals across the west, from 2986 in 2011-12 to 4025 last financial year.

“We never have enough resources and in the last financial year we’ve seen a huge increase in family violence,’’ Ms Rich said. “We’re putting a huge strain on the resources and staff can struggle to respond to police referrals.

‘‘It’s vital we have more resources to be able to support women in the west from family violence and work to prevent it.”

The number of intervention orders issued in Brimbank also rose significantly between 2008-09 and 2012-13 – from 379
to 622.

Ms Rich said Women’s Health West was trying to de-stigmatise family violence so more survivors would come forward.

“One woman is killed in Australia every week,” she said. “We’re trying to help people recognise it happens every day.” 
